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Our Services

  • Our premier workshops are personalized for all high school grades. Learn all the strategies and advice you need to embark on your college admissions journey. These can be done individually or as part of a group.

  • Learn all the strategies you need to excel in standardized testing! You can enroll in individual or group tutoring. Empowered covers all subjects: Reading, Writing, and Math.

  • Unlimited 1:1 hours until your personal statement is finalized. Includes brainstorming sessions, revisions, and expert advice. Send the best version of your essay to our colleges!

  • Ready to apply to graduate school but not sure how to? This package is for you! Empowered will guide you throughout every step of the application process.


Empowered is delivering individualized college coaching and academic support to students from these schools:

What Makes Empowered Different?

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