Frequently Asked Questions

  • Empowered offers:

    • SAT tutoring

    • PSAT tutoring

    • GMAT tutoring

    • College Prep Workshop

    • Personal Statement proofreading

    • Application review

  • All Empowered meetings and tutoring are conducted via Zoom. This allows students to connect from the comfort of their home and avoid city traffic.

  • We offer individual tutoring and group tutoring. As a part of a group, we have a limit of eight students per session to ensure everyone receives attention and is able to ask their questions.

  • Empowered will give you the guidance and advice you need to successfully navigate the complex college admissions process.

    We help you make the right choice at every critical juncture—from which test to take, to what essay topic to choose, to which extracurriculars to pursue. With support from our team of experts, our students submit strong applications that stand out at the most selective schools in the world.

  • Our coaches are available on Weekdays in the evenings and weekends.

  • As soon as possible! Empowered works with students who are just starting 9th grade. The earlier you know what you have to do to secure admission to your dream school, the more time you have to reach this goal!

  • Empowered is the only college prep company in Honduras founded by an Ivy League Alum. Roberto has experience as a student worker at the Princeton Undergraduate Admissions Office and has helped 50+ students in their college admissions journey.

  • No, Empowered is not just for those looking to apply to top schools. Empowered is a service for all high school students, regardless of where they hope to apply. Our mission is to help every student get into their dream college.

    We strive to maximize each student’s potential and make their personal admissions journey a success.

  • You should start right after you finish 11th grade. Working on the essays during the summer gives you plenty of time to perfect your essays and submit them on time for the Early round.

  • No, we will not write your essay for you. We will, however, provide advice that can help you to write the best essay you can!

  • You will schedule your video calls with your advisor over Zoom at whatever time works for you, whether that be on a regular schedule or an as-needed basis.

    During your essay process, you will work with your advisor to brainstorm topics, develop your thoughts, and begin the drafting process. When you submit a draft, your advisor will return your essay with in-line suggestions, and detailed comments.

  • We understand that finances are a critical part of the college admissions process, and we are here to support you.

    Many of our advisors specialize in financial aid and scholarships and are recipients of well known scholarships. Our advisors draw on their own experiences to help students apply for scholarships, navigate financial aid packages, and more.

  • We work hard to match each student with the advisor best suited to their needs.

    However, we do offer all clients the opportunity to request a re-match if their advisor does not meet their expectations.

  • All Empowered deposits are non-refundable.
    This is because our services are limited, and by reserving a spot, you are securing a place that could otherwise be filled by another interested participant. Additionally, last-minute cancellations may cause delays in the start of the course or service, affecting other participants and the overall schedule of our activities.

  • Our preferred payment method is in U.S. dollars.
    Given the increasing difficulty of obtaining U.S. dollars in Honduras, payments made in lempiras will incur an additional 5% fee, so Empowered can later purchase dollars.